Friday, July 01, 2022

It's the Season for Summer Salads and Mango Salsa

Seasonality of food refers to the times of year when a given type food is at its peak either in terms of harvest or its flavor. This is usually the time when the item is the cheapest and the freshest of the market. The food's peak time in terms of harvest usually coincides with when its flavor is at its best.

Seasonal Salads

Let's talk about what's in season for making fresh salads for summer here in the United States. Lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, basil, beans, peas, sweet corn and chanterelle mushrooms. Don't forget the fresh fruit either! A few of the summer fruits are cherries, blackberries, nectarines, apricots, mangos, watermelon, strawberries, peaches and raspberries. Add fruit to the side of green salads as a garnish or top it with lots of fruit for specialty theme salads. Remember that fruit salads are great served on the side of a meal or as a dessert. Now last but not least.... walnuts! Yes, walnuts are beautiful on top of a salad, and everyone knows all about the ever so popular Waldorf salad that features walnuts. You can have some very satisfying salads with any of these summer ingredients.

Salads always remind me of Salsa!

Salsa Salsa Salsa! What's in season for summer salsas?   Cucumber   Pepper  • Basil  • Sweetcorn cobs • Tomatoes  Chanterelle (mushrooms)  Mango   Watermelon  • Jalapeno
So let's take a few seconds to look at the list while I sneak in a mango salsa recipe for you.

Mango & Cucumber Salsa Recipe: 

Perfect with halibut or salmon or as the salsa in fish tacos.
 1 1/2 cups diced mango
 1/2 medium red onion, finely chopped
 1 JalapeƱo chile, minced (this can be left out all together)
 1 cup diced cucumber, peeled
 3 Tbsp fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
 3 Tbsp fresh lime juice
 Salt and pepper to taste
  Mix all together


Happy Summer Everyone! "Live everyday like a Holiday" Pam


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