Sunday, July 15, 2018

Happy National Tapioca Pudding Day

Every single day in July we celebrate a National Food Holiday and National Tapioca Pudding Day is celebrated on July 15th. 

This creamy little dessert is a favorite for kids because of the tapioca balls that's in the pudding. Keep an eye out for my Tapioca Pudding recipe in honor of tapioca day because I will be posting it today as well.

On the Fun Fact Side
British schoolchildren have traditionally nicknamed the dish frog spawn, due to its appearance. (I have to say it does look like laid frog eggs lol!) The Guardian described it as "Britain's most hated school pudding", with names such as fish eyes, frogspawn and eyeball pudding. It is however making a comeback in the 21st century in Michelin-starred restaurants and less exalted places.

Hey!!!!! keep this pudding in mind for a Halloween too! 
This would work perfect for a spooky little dinner party. I mean.... who could pass up a food called frog spawn, fish eyes! Eyeball pudding here we come. HA! (oh... just so you know... you can get tapioca balls in different sizes too) lol! So this could be a creepy creation.

Now if you guys want to see other food holidays in July.... I posted a calendar on July 1 that lists them. You can go here to see.

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