Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Have you ever tried Ginger Mint Fruit Tea for better health?

 Could a refreshing drink of ginger, mint & citrus really be good for your health?

Well, that's what research says. In fact, there are many many many studies on how these ingredients support better health. Who would have thought something so refreshing would be so good for the body? Well friends here's my findings........ now bear with me guys... I've gathered up a lot of helpful information for you. After you read my finding your going to want to drink ginger mint fruit tea all the time. LOL~

Health Benefits of Ginger

I think everyone knows by now that ginger helps with the stomach. Such as bloating, cramping, gas indigestion, and nausea. But there are sooo many more benefits.

Researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer have found that ginger not only kills cancer cells, but it also prevents them from building up resistance to cancer treatment. I think I will write up an article about ginger and cancer in a future post.

  • Gingerol is not just an anti-cancer agent, but it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activites.
  • Ginger is used against headache and to get relief from nasal problems. It has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Ginger extract is used for curing sinus Infections.
  • improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.
  • Detox: promote detoxification by speeding the movement of food through the intestines, thanks to compounds called gingerols and shogaols.
  • Ginger clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, including the sinuses that tend to flare up.
  • Against airsickness and nausea: Chew on ginger, preferably tossed in a little honey. Can be combined with Fennel.
  • Ginger helps reduce flatulence!
  • Arthritis: Ginger contains the chemical gingerol. Gingerol has been found to reduce inflammation and block pain pathways.
  • joint pain: Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties—can bring relief. Float some ginger essential oil into your bath to help aching muscles and joints.
  • Nausea after surgery : Chewing ginger post-operation can help overcome nausea.
  • Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion. 

Now let's look into Mint

Mint is another one that effects the stomach that most people are already aware of but here's some more. Mint is a good appetizer and promotes digestion, due to its typical aroma. It also soothes stomach in cases of indigestion, inflammation ect. This aroma of mint activates the saliva glands in our mouth as well as glands which secrete digestive enzymes, thereby facilitating digestion. Thus it is extensively used in culinary.

Now lets talk about it's effects with stomach disorders: repeated trials on the benefits of mint have established it to be very effective against stomach disorders ranging from irritable bowl to dyspepsia and cramps. 

Other Benefits: Besides its wide industrial use in food stuffs such as ice-creams, chocolates etc., alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, medicines, inhalers and mouth and breathe fresheners, it is used as a condiment and decorative item in culinary world-wide. Drinks and food-stuffs containing mint cools you off in summer. It is a good relaxant. One more peculiar property which is very much in contrary to its cooling and soothing effects is that it induces sweating if consumed in fever, thereby curing it. And did you know mint juice can be applied on burns to heal and soothe them?

  • Nausea & Headache: Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is an excellent and quick remedy for nausea. Whenever you feel it, just smell the oil of mint or crushed fresh mint leaves or use any product with mint flavor, whichever is available near you, and it will be gone. Balms based on mint or simply mint oil, when rubbed on forehead and nose, gives quick relief in headache. 
  • Respiratory Disorders, Cough etc.: The strong aroma of mint is very effective in opening up congestion of nose, throat, bronchi and lungs, giving relief in respiratory disorders resulting from asthma, cold etc. As it cools and soothes throat, nose and other respiratory channels, it gives relief in cough too.
  • Asthma: Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients, as it is a good relaxant and gives relief in congestion. But, over dosage may irritate as well.
  • Oral Care: This is a well known property of mint. Being a germicidal and breathe freshener, it takes care of oral health by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth inside mouth and by cleaning tongue and teeth.
  • Cancer: Current research show that certain enzymes present in mint may help cure cancer : Mint, specifically peppermint, contains a phytonutrient known as amonoterpene which has shown the capability to thwart the growth of tumors in the liver, breasts and pancreas in animals. It has also exhibited the capacity to protect the animals’ lungs, skin and colon against the formation of cancer.
  • Vasoconstrictor : Mint contains chemicals that can help reduce bleeding by causing a narrowing of the blood vessels.
  • It is also beneficial in rheumatism.
  • It is also said to improve activity of the brain : Peppermint aroma improves memory and concentration.

Now let's talk about the key points of Citrus

  • Lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges & Limes : These citrus-wonders aid the body in flushing out toxins, as well as jump-start the digestive tract with enzymatic processes.
  • Fruits : Fruits are extremely high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and many important vitamins like vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.
  • Colds and Flu: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work in conjunction for a serious punch against infection.
  • Liver: Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier.
  • Nutrition: Lemons contain vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.
  • Balances Body Chemistry: While lemons are acidic they interact with the body’s metabolism to have an alkalizing effect on the bodily fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.
  • Allergies: Lemons contain the phytonutrient hesperetin which has been shown in studies to alleviate allergic symptoms.
  • Brain and Nervous System Disorders: Containing the potent phytonutrient tangeretin in the peel, lemons have been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
  • Cancer: Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene—a naturally-occurring oil that slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals. Lemons also contain a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells. The most important nutrients of lemon are inside its peel, which is often thrown out. It contains essential oils and antioxidants which can cure cancer. Limonoids have a positive effect on Colorectal cancer, Prostate cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Liver cancer, Leukemia, Neuroblastoma.
  • Oranges are rich in fiber: Oranges contain high amounts of fiber which helps keep the digestive system healthy. A healthy digestive system would mean proper absorption of nutrients for the body’s use and proper elimination of toxic wastes. The fibers also help relieve symptoms of constipation, reduce cholesterol levels thereby preventing atherosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries, and it also helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Oranges boost the function of the immune system: In a very busy world, it is essential that we keep our immune systems in tip-top shape. A weak immune system would allow us to get sick easily. On the other hand, a healthy immune system would mean that we live quality lives, doing what we love to do and with the people who matter.Vitamin C found in oranges help stimulates the body to produce white blood cells (WBC), our body’s main form of defense against invading organisms. At the first sign of foreign invasion, the body produces WBC to attack the pathogen. So your immune system will need all the help it can get. Boost the function of your immune system by eating Vitamin C-rich oranges.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.


Closing thoughts ~

💡I hope you found this post inspiring enough to make you want to make refreshing healthy drinks a part of your life by infusing ginger, mint & citrus into the water. It's good to be reminded that infused water is good for us and sweetened naturally from sweet fruits. (resources: wikiwel / government health / gone-ta-pott)

👀 Now just so you know... I have a few more posts I'm writing about being healthy naturally so if this interests you then keep an eye out for them. I have more great pictures to share too!

💻 I placed this post in the "Summer Drinks" & "Healing Foodscategories if you ever need to find it again. 

📅 And as always, I've listed related 📅 calendar dates below 🠟, and any related shopping links 🛒 that would be helpful to this article. 

 ðŸ˜„ "Live everyday like a holiday." Love Pam

📅 January / National Staying Healthy Month
📅 February / National Cancer Prevention Month
📅 March / National Kidney Month
📅 March / National Nutrition Month
📅 April / National Cancer Control Month
📅 May / National Arthritis Awareness Month
📅 June / Men's Health Month
📅 July / Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
📅 August / Gastroparesis Awareness Month
📅 September / Pain Awareness Month
📅 October / Healthy Lung Month
📅 November / American Diabetes Month
📅 December / HIV & Aids Awareness
📅 April / National Garden Month
📅 June / National Great Outdoors Month
📅 April 14 / National Gardening Day

► 🛒 ❤ Ginger Mint Lemon Tea /
► 🛒 ❤ Fresh Herbs /

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