Monday, July 11, 2022

I wonder how many of you have tried making watermelon lemonade?

I was reading through the July calendar and was thinking about how July was National Watermelon Month. I thought this would be a good time to remind everyone about how refreshing watermelon lemonade is on a hot sunny day.

A friend of mine gave me a watermelon and I diced it up and put it in the frig so I could just reach in and take me a cube and pop it in my mouth whenever I wanted. Well seeing those watermelon cubes reminded me of ice cubes. Then I noticed the 3 lemons sitting on the shelf beside it and my brain immediately went to watermelon lemonade. I didn't hesitate to mix myself up a gallon and have it getting ice cold in the frig while I was doing my yard work. Now I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to drink this after my yard work was done.

🛒 Lemonade Pitchers

I know most recipes blend up the watermelon in a blender and then mix it up, but I didn't do that. I left my watermelon in small cube sizes and mixed it with 1/2 cup of sugar, and I used all 3 lemons that I had. I also added about 2 large mint limbs in there just because I had it. I didn't want it to taste like mint I just wanted it to be a hint of mint. Anyway, it made a regular pitcher size of watermelon lemonade, and I loved it. It was so beautiful in the glass too. It was fun crunching on the watermelon chunks as I was drinking the lemonade. Ohhhhh I forgot to tell ya! I froze the watermelon cubes before I added it to the sugar and lemon water. It made it cold cold cold. Wink~

If you leave the sugar out, you have infused water. That taste refreshing too. Guys since I've mentioned infused water, I have a couple of "Infused Water posts" that you might like to read too.

🍓"Infused Water posts"

That's it for this post. I hope you try watermelon lemonade. Try it while the watermelons are in season. "Live everyday like a Holiday," Pam


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