Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Vegetarian Hot Dog Danish Style

Vegetarian Hot Dog Danish Style contains Vegetarian Sausages, Mayonnaise, Hot-Dog-Ketchup, roasted Onion and Cucumber."

 Let's talk about the Vegetarian Hot Dog

"A vegetarian hot dog (sometimes referred to as a "veggie dog") is a hot dog produced completely from non-meat products."

"Vegetarian hot dogs are sometimes eaten by non-vegetarians because they are believed to be lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol than hot dogs from beef or chicken. Unlike traditional home-made meat sausages, the casing is not made of intestine but of synthetic ingredients. Vegetarian hot dogs are usually based on some sort of soy protein.  Some contain egg whites, which would make them unacceptable to vegans. There are also vegetarian hot dogs made from tofu. Like ordinary dogs, vegetarian hot dogs contain little fiber."

"The history of the vegetarian hot dog is not clear, but Worthington Foods' Veja-Link meatless wieners claim to have been the world's first vegetarian hot dogs in 1949. On June 19, 2000, the Chicago White Sox made baseball history when they began selling vegetarian hot dogs during games at Comiskey Park. The vegetarian sausage without a bun is much more common from the early 20th century, for example the 1913 Indianapolis (Indiana) Star 15 June 8/1 mentions someone who "says he has lived on his vegetarian sausage almost exclusively". This is cited in the Oxford English Dictionary December 2007 draft additions entry for the adjective vegetarian, but no vegetarian hot dog, wiener or frankfurter is noted."

All vegetarian diets are not alike
Ovo-vegetarian: eats eggs; no meat
lacto-ovo vegetarian: eats dairy and egg products; no meat
lacto-vegetarian: eats dairy products; no eggs or meat
Vegan: eats only food from plant sources
Many other people are semi-vegetarians who have eliminated red meat, but may eat poultry or fish.

When is National Hot Dog Month? Always  July!  (festival dates vary)
"Industry groups, such as National Hot Dog & Sausage Counci in the USA, designates July as National Hot Dog Month and July 23 as National Hot Dog Day, are known to encourage, sponsor, and support hot dog events."

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