Monday, June 13, 2022

Mealtime Monday / Did you munch chicken for lunch today?

 I was craving chicken and all through the day I kept thinking about it.

I was at work today and every time I turned around somebody was telling me they we're headed to go to lunch and get themselves some chicken. Seems like everybody in the world was eating chicken today and it made me so hungry for chicken. It didn't help either that Zaxby's Chicken shares the parking lot where I work and all I could smell all day long was chicken wings. Plus.... across the street is Chic-fill-A and all I could think about was their juicy chicken sandwiches and right next door is Popeye's Chicken and I know how good their spicy chicken is. And being that I was working outside all day long didn't help. I couldn't get away from the smell of chicken. I wanted it so bad. LOL~ 

I had been writing an article about Chicken Wing Day

Day before yesterday I was working on a post about National Chicken Wing Day which is celebrated annually on July 29th. I think this was my start of craving chicken because I was doing so much reading about chicken wings. LOL~

Well, to make a long story short:

I know I don't have to tell you this because you already know... but as soon as I got off work, I went straight for the drive through for some chicken wings. Yep, I grabbed myself a quick snack as I made my way to the grocery store to buy a bag of wing meat so I could cook myself up all the different flavors that I wanted. Yum! You gotta love all those wing sauces!!!

Ranch Dressing:

Oh yes... nobody eats wings without ranch dressing, do they? No no no! But you have to make homemade ranch dressing. That's the best way to go. The stuff in the bottle just doesn't do it unless you wizzz it up a bit. Ha!

In Closing

🍗I satisfied my craving for chicken this week for sure. I ate so much till I don't want to even look at another piece of chicken much-less smell chicken. Oh no! I go back to work tomorrow. I'm going to smell chicken again. Wink~ 

📸If you ever want a close look at the picture I posted, just click the photo. It will expand in a large view window for a closer look.

💻 I've placed this post in the "Munch for Lunch" & "Mealtime Monday" category if you ever need to find it again. Remember to make chicken wings for all the chicken holidays in our calendar too. "Live everyday like a holiday" Pam

📅 And as always, I've listed related 📅 calendar dates below 🠟, and any related shopping links 🛒 that would be helpful to this article. 


📅 July 29 / National Chicken Wing Day
📅 September / National Chicken Month

🛒 ❤ Chicken Wings /
🛒 Antipasto Wooden Boards /


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