Monday, June 13, 2022

Munch for Lunch / It's a Crispy BLT Sandwich kind of day

❤  Munch for Lunch

What a beautiful sunny day it is today. A day that is perfect for picking some fresh tomatoes off the vine and frying up some crispy bacon for a great BLT sandwich.

About the video above:

Hello friends.... yep that's my hands in the video picking those red tomatoes off my tomato plant and yes that's my hands flipping that bacon over for some crispy bacon to put inside my sandwich. The lettuce is also from my patio garden as well.

Now I don't know about you but I really love a BLT sandwich. I think I eat them more for breakfast than I do for lunch... but for today I ate it for lunch.

Now for me I like it on toasted bread:

I'm one of those people that won't eat the sandwich unless it's on toasted bread. It just doesn't taste the same on soft bread to me. So I say toast and butter that bread!

Mayo it up!

It's mayonnaise for me and I mean a lot of it too. Don't give me any of that salad dressing stuff for a BLT. LOL~ And.... "Pepper Down"!  I have to have lots of black pepper on it too. I go light on the salt because the bacon adds a lot of salty flavor already. Sometimes I shake some cayenne pepper on it too. But that's it. I keep it really simple just like a BLT sandwich was meant to be.

Fresh Tomatoes are more flavorful:

You have to use fresh tomatoes guys. Those tomatoes in the grocery store just don't taste as flavorful as a fresh one does. It is a dramatic difference I assure you. In the video you will see me picking a few tomatoes off my tomato plant for the sandwich.  And let me say this... I want everyone to know that you can easily grow a tomato plant in a flowerpot and don't need to have a yard to grow it in. Just put that pot on a sunny porch and grow you some tasty tomatoes.

In Closing:

🥪It's always fun to see people preparing food so I hope you enjoyed watching me make my lunch. ~wink~ 

💻 I've placed this post in the "Munch for Lunch" & "Sandwichcategories if you ever need to find it again. Remember this idea when celebrating any of the holidays in our calendar. 

📅 And as always, I've listed related 📅 calendar dates below 🠟, and any related shopping links 🛒 that would be helpful to this article. 

 "Live everyday like a holiday." Pam

📅 July 22 is BLT Sandwich Day in our calendar
📅 August / National Sandwich Month
📅 April / National BLT Month
📅 November 3 / Sandwich Day
📅 International Bacon Day / 1st Saturday in September
📅 December 30 / Bacon Day
► 🛒 ❤ Bacon /
► 🛒 ❤ Lettuce /
► 🛒 ❤ Tomato /
► 🛒 BLT Sandwich T-Shirts /

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