Friday, June 03, 2022

The last of my sugar snap peas

Don't you just hate it when sugar snap season is over? 😞

It's the last of my sugar snap peas because the weather is just too hot for them now. Their peak season is March through April. I know sugar snaps are cold season plants, but I sure have enjoyed having them grow all the way up to June for me. Yep they like cool weather and once the temperature reaches 80 degrees they start to wither away. "I will miss you ssp"

I grew them in flower pots and they did fantastic. 

My garden is strictly a patio garden. I grew them in LARGE flower pots and they did fantastic. Once the heat was to much for them I moved them to a shadier location to try and help them to hang on. They hung on too! But sadly I will be cooking the last bowl of sugar snap peas for the season because the hot air is just to much for them even in the shade. (guess I will have to buy frozen now) Bummer!  

Edible Pods

Sugar Snap Peas can be eaten right off the vine. Oh yes they can and oh how sweet they are. The pods are soft and just perfect for garden grazing. Ha!

They are the perfect topper to green salads too!

Yes I know the most popular way for most people to eat them is in stir fry recipes but really I can't pick which is my favorite way to eat them. I love love love them quick fried with butter and served with steak and potatoes though. Yum!

Hey did you know?

Guys did you know that growing them puts nitrogen back into the soil? That's great!

In Closing:

Growing up I never ate sugar snap peas. My parents never grew them in the garden and we always had a huge garden. It was only as an adult that I gained taste buds for the little sweeties. I still remember the first time I ever ate them. It was at a steak house restaurant and steamed sugar snap peas came with my meal. When I saw them on the plate I said.... "what are these plump little things?" lol! Delish! I was hooked! They are now a favorite of mine not just to eat but to grow too.

😘Love to all, Pam

📅 July / National Bean Month
📆 January 6 / National Bean Day

Sugar Snap Peas /

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